
Monday, April 25, 2016

Peacebuilding Actors

The major peacebuilding actors that SAMBAD targeted can be represented in the following matrix.
To carry out peacebuilding work, it is essential to engage with people at different levels.
The greatest focus of SAMBAD is on track 3 diplomacy, also known as people-to-people diplomacy, where local people and communities are encouraged for dialogue, interaction, and reconciliatory activities. This approach is focused at the grassroots level and involves organizing meetings and dialogue sessions, livelihood support and reconciliation activities for conflict affected people and communities to build healthy relations.Hence, the strategy that SAMBAD has embraced is multitrack diplomacy operating on several tracks simultaneously by establishing both horizontal and vertical ties.SAMBAD has employed multitrack diplomacy for engaging with actors of peacebuilding.In track 1 diplomacy, SAMBAD has engaged in dialogue and networking with high-level political leaders, policy makers, and Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction focusing on long term sustained peacebuilding at the national level.At Track 2 diplomacy, dialogue, and problem-solving activities aimed at building relationships and encouraging involvement of influential local leaders, peace committees, and government line agencies.
The collaboration with Local Peace Committees has complemented the government level initiatives in community peacebuilding.

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