
Monday, April 25, 2016

Community Owned Process

SAMBAD helps the target communities to identify, prioritize and address communal needs of conflict affected people with   structured dialogues and interactions. By listening to the community, it has         provided the community with a forum to voice their grievances and thus promote reconciliation.
 It mobilizes the communities,     Implementing
Partners,and Peace   Volunteers  to  create  local
 platforms to promote  peaceful co-existence. A major output  of  this   approach is therefore  the creation of safe spaces for dialogue, reconciliation activities, and livelihood improvement plans which will include the participation of local people, in order to enhance local capabilities to forewarn and resolve conflicts before they degenerate to violent conflicts.
Community mobilization can help meet the expectation and accountability of societies in transition by changing attitudes, norms, practices and behaviors of individuals as well as change makers. As a result, communities are able to better assess mutual support, transparency and accountability. This shared accountability and responsiveness of key people and more people, as well as SAMBAD team and its Implementing Partners has enhanced mutual trust and harmony as well.
Community Empowerm
 SAMBAD aims at creating situations in communities which contribute to peace and stability in the area through community empowerment process. The empowerment of communities is a key component in which SAMBAD seeks to instill in community members the belief that they can affect change and can improve their own lives. Community empowerment is promoted through the provision of information, inclusive participation and decision-making, capacity building and the dialogue process itself. More specifically, SAMBAD seeks to empower working at three different layers of social complex: agencies, structures, and relationships through community mobilization process that allows them to define and prioritize their needs and to manage their own initiatives to address their needs. The community empowerment process works in synergy with the state and non-state institutions (agencies), builds healthy relationships and addresses the root causes or structural causes of the conflict. Such empowerment process often is proven to be resilient providing survival and coping mechanisms for insecurity and fragility. SAMBAD internalizes that local communities are better placed to identify their shared needs and the actions necessary to meet them. Taking charge of these processes contributes to a sense of community ownership, which can contribute to the sustainability of interventions. This has been reflected in SAMBAD's approach to build social capital in divided societies by providing safe spaces for interaction, communication and joint decision-making. Such processes can help to overcome mistrust and set precedence for peaceful and constructive management of local disputes.

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